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Sports Mouthguards Bankstown

Preventative Dental Care Sport Mouthguards

Athletes need to protect their teeth with a mouthguard for sports, gums, and jaw. Injury is not only painful, and expensive, but it also reduces performance and loss of training and competition time. We can conservatively repair and restore to health any dental issue, but we would rather prevent these problems in the first place.

Sports Mouthguards

A sports mouthguard is important for protecting the teeth during contact sports to save broken teeth. One size does not fit all, it needs to be professionally constructed for the individual athlete. Poorly fitted mouthguards are uncomfortable to wear, affect speech, breathing and swallowing. Cheap mouthguards provide minimal protection.

It is unwise to play a contact sport without one. Not only does it protect the teeth, but it can lessen the blow to your jaws and joints as well as greatly reducing the potential for concussion/brain injuries. They should be used for all contact sports during games as well as training.

Mouthguards are constructed utilizing an exact impression of the patients mouth, which makes the appliance fit and feel more comfortable. They can be constructed for all ages.

Many health funds cover sports mouthguards.

Best Mouthguards for Sport - Sports Mouthguards Near me

Mouthguard for Sports Dealing With Injuries

Blood supply to the head is abundant so that any injury to the face or mouth bleeds profusely. In the case of dental/mouth injuries blood mixing with saliva increases the risk of blood-borne infection.

When providing any care wear gloves to reduce this risk.

With all dental injuries tooth fragments must be recovered otherwise a chest X-ray is required to exclude inhalation.

Dental injuries can also occur with problems such as fractured mandible, fractured cheek, concussion or unconsciousness. These problems must also be managed. Only a permanent (second) tooth should be replaced into the socket, and only if the athlete is conscious.

Sports Drink

Sports Drinks, Cordials and Carbonated Energy Drinks are high in sugar content which causes dental cavities. We encourage our patients to brush regularly and to drink water while playing sport.

You can call our front desk at (02) 9790 3336 Mon – Fri 9am – 8pm, email us at enquiry@smilelinedental.com.au or fill the Contact Form

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