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Thumb Sucking Bankstown

Caused By Thumb And Finger Sucking

Babies have natural rooting and sucking reflexes, which can cause them to put their thumbs or fingers into their mouths — sometimes even before birth.Sucking on fingers or thumbs is healthy and normal for infants. Most children stop by the age of 2 years.

If thumb sucking continues beyond the age of seven, when the second teeth are coming through, permanent dental problems can occur.Thumb sucking may lead to:

  • Buck teeth – for example, the front teeth may be pushed out of alignment. This can alter the shape of the face and lead to an open bite.
  • A lisp – prolonged thumb sucking interferes with the correct formation of certain speech sounds, developing speech problems such as difficulty in pronunciations and lisping.

Thumb Sucking Is A Common Problem

Thumb sucking is a common problem with young children.

Most children will stop thumb sucking without intervention. If your child is past 5 years old and still sucking heir thumb, you should consider seeking help.

You can call our front desk at (02) 9790 3336 Mon – Fri 9am – 8pm, email us at enquiry@smilelinedental.com.au or fill the Contact Form

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